Some photographs from the early years: Part I

I’ve returned to one of my long-term projects: scanning all of my 35-mm slides. There are over 7000 slides — taken between 1978 and 2010. At the rate that I’m going I estimate it will be a few years until I am done. I only work on these for a few hours each week.

Most of the slides in the early years were shot using Kodachrome and Ektachrome. Later years included Fuji Provia, Fuju Velvia, Kodak Elitechrome, and Kodak Ektachrome E100VS.

1981: Portrait of my friend Ron — also a photographer. He was trying to show me how to take candid and interesting portraits. Think I got this one right.


1985: Self-portrait taken during a bitterly-cold ski tour.

More to come!

1 Comment

  1. What a project! Marc and I often talk of doing this, but there just isn’t time. We were thinking of going through the slides first to select those we want to actually scan, but we never even get that far. I think more of your slides will be “keepers” than ours. Seems like a good project for when there is bad weather.

    Good Luck,

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