Two recent trips to different sections of the Arizona Trail (AZT) resulted in these wildflower photographs. First, we have a beautiful pincushion cactus seen along the section of the AZT south of Pine Grove Campground on Lake Mary Road. We were on our mountain bikes and as we passed then in the morning the flowers were closed. On our return a few hours later, the flowers were wide open and beckoned for us to stop and admire them for a few minutes.
Next, we have wild iris on the section of the AZT near Snowbowl Road. Many of the iris that day were already starting to wilt and most had only pale colors. This one had such vibrant colors that it was worth stopping in the middle of our trail run to grab a few photos.
We’re still in the midst of our dry period with the North American Monsoon season still at least a month away. Once that starts, wildflowers should blossom everywhere.